Print Campagnes

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Contentway Services

"Print marketing is not just paper; it's a canvas where brands paint stories that resist the eroding winds of time." - Michael J. Martinez

Why print media?

Tangibility: Physical form enhances reader experience. Credibility: Established publications convey trust. Targeted Audience: Effective niche market reach. Longer Attention Span: Extended engagement opportunities. Local Engagement: Connects with the community personally. Less Intrusive: Non-disruptive compared to digital. Permanence: Longer shelf life, often kept for reference.

These are the types of content we produce for you when you choose Print Solutions.

Our award-winning campaigns are published via the leading daily newspapers with relevant content of the absolute highest quality. They are also published online on our own and our partners websites as well as on social media – all on the same day!

In our B2C publications such as ‘Best Ager’, ‘Health’ or ‘Dream houses’, we connect brands with people through delivering content they genuinely desire to engage with – in the least intrusive way. With our B2B campaigns, whether it’s about ‘Energiewende’, ‘Supply Chain Management’ or ‘Circular economy’, you always reach the right people and companies in the best possible environment.

Print Products

Partner Content

Are you an expert in a specific field or industry? With a partner content you can offer deeper insights. Together we create something to inspire the target group and inform them about the company's place in the industry. The uniform design and the similarity to the editorial articles ensure an undisturbed and optimal reading flow.

In a digital world where authenticity is becoming increasingly important, print remains the undisputed leader when it comes to presenting high-quality and sophisticated information. Experience the power of print media and secure reliable news sources.

Explore more of our world class services and see examples of what working with us looks like.

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We are operating for you Mon - Fri from 09:00 - 17:00. Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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