BrandedU Newsroom

BrandedU is a leading institute empowering professional women to excel in their careers through growth, inspiration, and connection. Founded in 2014 by Nancy Poleon, it aims to close the visibility gap for women in business by fostering authentic leadership. Through programs like AmplifyHER and The Women’s Visibility Week Mentorship, BrandedU has become the platform for women seeking to increase their influence and leadership capabilities. Notably, its national award-winning “My Name is Peter” campaign highlighted gender disparities in leadership. With over 100 events, 5000 e-course participants, and a robust network, BrandedU is a thriving community for women striving for success and impact in their respective fields.

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2 aug 2024



Gendergelijkheid op werkvloer is nog altijd ondergeschoven kindje in Nederland

Het gaat in Nederland niet erg goed met de gendergelijkheid op de werkvloer. Ons land staat 28e op de wereldranglijst qua gelijkheid, ver achter landen als België, Duitsland en Frankrijk. Er is dus nog een wereld te winnen op dat gebied.