Corporate Housing Factory Newsroom

Corporate Housing Factory is one of the few serviced apartment providers that solely serves corporate clients in the Netherlands. We excel in providing comfortable home-style apartments for short, medium or longer stays from one week onwards.

Our concept offers today’s business traveller a pleasant home combined with the service and comfort of a contemporary hotel. The stylish apartments are geared specifically to guests arriving with toiletries and clothing only.

With our knowledge, top-notch service levels and dedicated team, you can experience corporate housing the way we think it should be: where luxury and high level interior decorating meets the comfort of in-house facilities such as a health club and underground parking, combined with an easily accessible location. In short, it’s easy living.

We believe in creating a true “feeling at home” experience and we will take care of you or your employees from the moment they arrive in the Netherlands. Many corporate clients are renowned multinationals who value the ease, choice, attention to detail and excellent service that ‘ the Factory’ offers.

Visit Corporate Housing Factory Website

29 mrt 2024



Loyaliteit is het grootste compliment denkbaar

Jouke Baaima en Michael Berendsen bundelen in 2013 de krachten en starten Corporate Housing Factory. Met het bedrijf begeven ze zich op bekend terrein, namelijk dat van ‘corporate housing’. En met succes, want het bedrijf bedient inmiddels de gehele markt en kent een enorme dekking binnen Nederland.