Account Manager Sales

Ansök till detta jobb

Contentway has had an incredible journey, from a small start-up to an international company, operating in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland. Our talented employees are the ones who made it all possible. We are always on the look for talanted professionals to join our team.

Workplace & Culture

During the introduction we will lead you through our product portfolio, the media landscape, the sales process and our way of working. Lots of room for your own ideas. Place in an international, young, ambitious and close team. Our core values are Entrepreneurship, Mindset and Team Spirit. Teamwork is what drives us forward, we win as a team, we have fun together as a team.

Why Contentway?

Our award-winning campaigns consist of Print, Online and Partner Content (Native or Branded Content) solutions. They are published and distributed via the leading daily newspapers with relevant content of the absolute highest quality. They are also published online on one of our news websites as well as on social media, all on the very same day! On top of this we also work with experts, influencers and other important partnerships in order to extend the reach of our campaigns. This allows our customers to have different messages and ad formats on different platforms with one thing in common – engaging and relevant content with great impact.

Skicka in din ansökan

Ansök idag och bli en del av vårt mångsidiga team imorgon. Vi ser fram emot att få lära känna dig!

Genom att skicka in denna ansökan intygar jag att jag har tagit del av integritetspolicyn och bekräftar att Contentway kommer att lagra mina personuppgifter för att kunna behandla min ansökan.

Bli en del av teamet

Vi är alltid på jakt efter nya talanger och skulle bli glada att välkomna dig till vårt team. Tveka inte att kontakta oss om du har några frågor!

Kontakta oss