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We use cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages of this website and stored by your browser on your computer's hard disk. The information stored in it can be sent back to our servers on a subsequent visit.
We use cookies for the following purposes:
Our website uses Google Analytics to collect visitor statistics. By collecting this data, we can see which pages are frequently visited, which pages can be improved and where visitors may get stuck. The cookies that Google places on your computer are used to collect a limited amount of data, such as the date and time of your visit to our website and which pages you view. You can find more information about the cookies placed by Analytics on Google's website.
If you arrive at our website via an ad from Google, a cookie is placed in some of them so that you can come across Contentway ads again on other websites. The setting and reading of these cookies is automated. Personal data is neither stored by Contentway nor provided by Google. Activating, deactivating and deleting cookies You can find more information on activating, deactivating and deleting cookies in the instructions and/or via the help function of your browser.
How can cookies be blocked and/or deleted? If you do not want the website to place cookies (with the exception of functional cookies) on your computer, you can block and/or delete cookies via your browser settings. If you have blocked some or all cookies, the website may no longer function properly or you may not be able to access certain parts of the website.