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22. dec. 2023



Virtual Solar farm: Investing for the planet

"Who doesn't want to bring his electricity bill down to zero?” This question was the starting point for Mihály Petróczi, CEO of VSF Solutions AB. VSF in this name stands for Virtual Solar Farm. Acting as the linking pin between investors and a large company with which he is working, he offers the opportunity to solar installers, investors, and those who are not in the position to place solar panels on their own roofs to participate in a solar project. Besides this project, he offers more investment opportunities that help save the planet.

Alot of partners together can build a huge network for solar power generation. That is the vision of Mihály Petróczi (Mike). 'The key to this is a 100% online approach, enabling everyone to save the planet and to lower their own energy bill by financing a part of a solar power plant with a few clicks on the keyboard,' says the digital solar business expert. 'VSF Solutions and the main company take care of everything else. The return on investment (ROI) on the basic program is quick – the first returns will come in within a month. Anybody can participate with any budget.

Why should you wait months for what you can get today? The company he works with already intends to realize approximately 160,000,000 Watts of solar power generation in the next few years.

Blockchain and tokenization
Mike is inspired by Hawaiian author and investor Robert Kyosaki, who has a positive, 'play to win' approach on personal finance and asset building. “Compound interest is an underrated phenomenon. The interest you earn on interest allows you to earn interest on the initial amount deposited plus on the interest that accumulates over time.”

Another icon for Mike is Richard Attenborough, speaker at COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, who said: “The people alive now, the generation to come, will look at this conference and consider one thing. Did that number stop rising and start to drop, as a result of commitments made here? There’s every reason to believe that the answer can be yes. If working apart, we are force powerful enough to destabilize our planet, surely, working together, we are powerful enough to save it.” Or in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger: “If not us, who and if not now, when?”

Mike has consequently begun to take action. His project also introduces a solar investment program on a Web3 platform, utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology and data security principles through tokenization. The system operates on the extensive Binance Smart Chain BEP20, the world's largest blockchain network, and is seamlessly connected to MetaMask. Moreover, each token represents a tangible asset, emphasizing the significance of digital assets in this context. This innovative approach aims to provide a measure of protection against market volatility and speculative activities.

Tires recycling
A project connected to the solar energy project is tire recycling. Mike explains: "Throughout Africa, Asia, and the UAE, there are many opportunities for solar power development and profitable recycling initiatives. The company I work with has therefore decided to combine the two and to use generated solar power to solve one of the worst pollution issues on the planet: return the used tires to some new materials. This has led to the development of a 99% CO2-emission free tire recycling process.”

Micro-organisms to rebuild the planet
The ICT investment approach enables more projects in the future besides the Virtual Solar Farm plus tire recycling. Mike: “The third and fourth projects will involve Japanese micro-organism technology that enables agricultural soils to recover from exhaustion by decades and decades of farming with chemical fertilizers. The micro-organisms that are used, help bolstering the immune systems of the seeds and vegetables. This technology is presently tested in Thailand.”

The micro-organism can also be applied to transform organic household waste into compost much faster than by the present processes. “And there is even another use by the same group of micro-organisms”, Mike reveals: “their ability to clean polluted water.”

Planting trees
Mike has still more projects in mind for the near future. One of the global environmental issues is the loss of forests, partly caused by the unsustainable use of wood. He sees opportunities for super tree plantations of the fastest-growing tree species in the world. It can grow up to five meters in its first year and reaches full maturity within ten years. “Plantations would have the opportunity to harvest once every five to seven years, enabling not only use for wood products, but also contributing to reforestation and oxygen production. The leafs can be use as animal feed. But maybe the best part is the opportunity to counter landslides with this multiple-use-tree, as it takes root very deeply.”

Fly wheel
The secure digital investment opportunities in the programs offered by VSF Solutions AB all have one thing in common, says Mike: “To free our planet of twenty coats that suffocate it. Earth is the only thing that can rebuild itself, as long as we enable it to do so. And that is what I intend with these programs. This is where the compound interest comes in: more money means more sustainability, means more profit, means more reinvestments. In this way we get a fly wheel for sustainability and profit in motion.” 

The start of Digitalized and Tokenizated Solar, along with the tire recycling programs, mark the beginning of an opportunity for immediate participation, says Mike. “These programs can be followed by the implementation of the microorganism program, and in the near future, initiatives for clean water and tree planting can be introduced as well. One program enables the next, everybody wins: the company wins, investors win and Mother Earth wins as well.”